Blue Cresent Moon

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    Ongoing Recruiting

    Carrie Senyah
    Carrie Senyah

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2009-07-03
    Age : 34
    Location : University

    Ongoing Recruiting Empty Ongoing Recruiting

    Post  Carrie Senyah Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:19 am

    Hey BCM,

    Right now i'm aiming to invite a minimum of 5 members a day into the guild, so it can expand and grow quickly. I would really like your help if possible, members and officers if you would like to help me out with the recruiting process then here is the shout you can use in towns/outposts.

    Blue Cresent Moon [BCM] RECRUITING!Any lvl welcome|Cape|Full GH|2.8mil Full Kurz Alliance|Mission/Quest Help|Whisp me!

    If members wish to help then please make sure there is either an officer or the leader online. If there is no one else on, then your other bet is to talk to Drawde Eccaret who has access to the leaders account.

    The best places for recruitment are Major towns across all games and also pre-searing.



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