Blue Cresent Moon

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2 posters

    Introduce Yourself

    Carrie Senyah
    Carrie Senyah

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2009-07-03
    Age : 34
    Location : University

    Introduce Yourself Empty Introduce Yourself

    Post  Carrie Senyah Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:57 pm

    Hey Guys,

    So you can get to know me a bit better i'll tell you a bit about myself in game and real life.

    Firstly i'll start off with my guildwars facts.

    I was introduced to guildwars by a friend of mine in Janurary 2006, Shortly after in Feburary I went onto buy my own game which led to the creation of my main character Carrie Senyah.

    The story behind Carrie's name is:
    Carrie: First name of the main character 'Carrie Fernandez' from the N64 game Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness.
    Senyah: Real surname backwards.
    Everything about her is the colour blue, her cape, her hair, her armour etc. This is simply because I LOVE the colour blue.

    In Feburary 2008 Carrie became the leader of the guild you all know as Blue Cresent Moon [BCM] The origin of this name again came from Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness I took one of the main characters name being: Cornell AKA Blue Crescent Moon, he is a man beast/werewolf which is where the bcm name spawns from.
    I however spelt Crescent wrong missing out the 'c' but either way looks good to me.

    Ok now I guess I can tell you about the person behind Carrie.

    Carrie is not my real name, so if you wish you can call me by my real nickname Millz. I won't tell you my real name as it's old fashioned and near enough unheard of unless you have read the Harry Potter books.

    I'm a 19 year old girl studying Performing Arts at Winchester Universiry I will be going into my second year in september. My parents live in Somerset.

    Some of my hobbies are: Walking, Trampolining, Spending time with my Boyfriend, Seeing my mates, Games, Writing, Acting, Singing and Sleeping.

    If any of you have Facebook then here is a link to my profile if you want to get to know me better. If I have an add from you though please tell me who you are.

    Well thats part of me in a nut shell.

    Millz. (A.K.A Carrie.)

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-07-05
    Age : 36
    Location : Ohio

    Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

    Post  Drizzt Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:02 pm


    Well my real name is Street, yes that is my real name, I go to the University of dayton and am studing Mechanical Engineering. I am 21 and working at an engineering firm this summer. Love to party, play baseball and any other outside activities. I also play the drums and am in a small band that just play gigs at parties for fun, and of course the free booze that goes along with it.

    As for my name on Guild wars, It is just a character from a book series called forgotten realms, Drizzt

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