Blue Cresent Moon

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We have now moved to the official BCM Website at!

    Inactivity Length

    Carrie Senyah
    Carrie Senyah

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2009-07-03
    Age : 34
    Location : University

    Inactivity Length Empty Inactivity Length

    Post  Carrie Senyah Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:42 pm

    Hi BCM,

    Just letting you know I am reinstating the 1 month inactivity rule, Which the Officers and Leader will keep a close eye on as we gain more members.

    In order to keep the guild fairly active, 4 weeks/1 month inactivity for a player results in their membership being revoked, however this does not apply if you have informed either an officer or the leader of your absence but you don't have to give a reason unless you choose too.

    If your membership has been revoked and you would like to return to BCM, then get in contact with an officer or the leader and they will see if there is a space for you.

    An Officers inactivity length is shorter than that of a member, If an officer is inactive for 2 weeks or more (without notification), they they will be demoted and someone put in their place if they can't maintain the role as officer.

    If anyone has any objection or other idea's about this. Then please let me know or reply on here.

    I will also make a separate list if a member/officer is aware that they will not be on Guildwars for a month or more. So that the officers and leader can check to see who is not to be kicked.



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